Single-seat helicopter by Nick NalivaikinWhen we were assembling first two Mini-500s in Russia in 1998, I've got a call from somebody living in far Urals. The guy who didn't seem to be crazy enough, asked me to send him a copy of Mini-500 assembly manual. -What for, man? - I'asked. - To design and build my own single-seater,- was his answer. - Well, have you ever build something flying? - No, but I will do. OK, I wasn't curious at all so I simply packed a couple pounds of what I have about light helicopters including some demo videos. I've sent them to him - I forgot about him. His small (very small) town is called Dobryanka, not far from Perm. Four years later (I've changed location and company) I've got another call: - Hi, are you in light helicopters? - Yeah... - I'm calling from Dobryanka, Perm... - Well, - I interrupted him, - howdy, Nickolai? He was slightly surprised when I named myself, but I was much more surprised a minute later when he told me he is ready to test run his helicopter. Two months later a friend of him visited me bringing a dozen photos and a videotape.
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