First test flights showed that aircraft has very good prerotation capability. I'd like to tell, they are unlimited actually so the take-off roll is no more than 20 meters solo and 40 meters gross.
The Hunter uses Stratomaster combine device for both engine and flight
instrumentation. Rotor tach seats deep in the panel over the combine to provide
better visibility in any illumination.
Rate of climb was measured 6.5 m/sec solo and 2.5 m/sec gross.
Well, what is it's gross? This autogyro weights 395 kg empty and can carry up to 350 kg including pilot and fuel.
The Hunter cruises comfortably at 100-120 kmh, it's maximum speed measured is now 160 kmh but it is expected to be up to 180 kmh.
The aircraft is now carried by 30' RAF rotor though it will be also tested with SportCopter 30' soon and - when Jim Vanek is finally ready (ooh...) - with 32' SC which we would like to have as standard.
It is expected that aircraft will be available late this year for 45,000 euro ready to fly. As for kits, they should be available some later.
Related topics: First prototype testing
Second prototype first flights
To be continued...
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